Black Friday Deals Good 11/27/2020-12/4/2020

Comix & Games
Friends, we view the safety and concerns of our customers to be vital in our continued success as a community. Heebeegeebeez is a family business, and we share your goals in remaining healthy and happy.
In the interest of employee and customer wellness, we have focused on implementing extra cleaning regimens recommended by the CDC concerning the Coronavirus outbreak and its implications.
We have been monitoring the COVID-19 epidemic since late January via news sources worldwide as well as from the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Health, and John Hopkins University. We are in constant communication with friends and customers that have direct knowledge of our local health care practices and administration. Two of our team members even have backgrounds in Microbiology and Virology.
Be assured we are absolutely aware of risk factors and we have made extensive plans to accommodate for public health uncertainties. None of our team has traveled outside of the state this year. All of our team members have cancelled plans involving attendance to any large group gatherings or conventions. No team members will work a shift if they are at all ill.
Every morning our locations will be implementing deep cleaning and disinfecting measures. We have sanitization available to use at checkout as well as hand washing sinks cleaned and sanitized in our restrooms.
Additionally, all of our products are available direct to you via USPS. We currently ship dozens of items daily and will be offering special discounts to our local friends!
Finally, we will be making Gift Certificates available at a reduced price so that you can get the things you want whenever you are comfortable. These will be available at our brick and mortar stores, through USPS, or through the contact link on our website or Facebook. We accept Paypal for online orders.
Please feel free to contact us directly through email if you have any questions regarding our policies or practices.
Jon and Rachael Pust
Together with; BJ, Josh, Andrew, Zane, Steven, and Chris.
After two years of hard work (mostly done ourselves) we are absolutely thrilled to announce that the Ogden location has finally moved to it’s forever home at 2262 Washington Blvd, Ogden UT 84401.
The move itself is taking place over the course of several weeks through July 9, 2019. In the meantime we are clearance pricing more inventory than ever before – quite simply, so Jon and Zane don’t have to carry it over. So come see us, check out the new shop, and keep your eyes open for our grand opening with even more great deals later this summer!
Pizza is so passe.
Join us Friday April 26th at midnight for a new kind of prerelease where coffee and pancakes are made fresh to help keep your head in the game and not on your stomach. Additionally, if you pre-order your box of War of the Spark now and get a foil promo Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge free with purchase.
See you there!
Small business ownership means we learn to do ALL the things!